September 25, 2007

Glenn Gould 75/25. Happy Would-Be 75th Birthday to Glenn Gould, genius pianist, filosophe, and all-round nut. more inside

September 18, 2007

Whatever happened to Baby K?

September 17, 2007

Too much internet will K-I-L-L you.

September 14, 2007

Kilogram weighs less than a kilo. Causes panic among scientists, coke dealers.

September 10, 2007

Test the Nation: Watch Your Language. Last night, people across Canada did a test of the Queen's* English. I did well until I hit the last section on word origins (and suffice to say the good people of Coquitlam could stand to hire an image consultant). And I was miffed that on a test of Canadian English, the CBC misspelled tuque. For shame, CBC! (*Queen of Canada, obv.)

September 06, 2007

Canada does its bit on the War on Terror: delivers Bin Laden to Bush.

September 05, 2007

The harassments of Tony Rosato. The former actor on SCTV and Saturday Night Live, et al has been behind bars for two and a half years, now, and has finally taken the stand. It seems clear that he suffers from Capgras Syndrome, and that the harassment incidents stem from that condition, so why does it take so long to divert him from Court to Care?

September 04, 2007

Super friends let it all hang out. NSFW. Or your mental health. Never will you see ET through innocent eyes again.

August 31, 2007

Ninja dishonours Shaolin Temple, monks seek legal recourse. I'm all for the rule of law and everything, but I was really hoping for a battle royale.

August 29, 2007

Hilly Kristal dead at 75.
Rich bitch? Leona Helmsley, who died last week, leaves her dog "Trouble" $12mil. more inside

August 20, 2007

Foundations of Montreal's founding found. A dig close to Pointe-à-Callière in Montreal has revealed the lost 1642 Fort Ville-Marie, just about here, beneath a warehouse. (Ville-Marie 101 here.)

August 16, 2007

Zombie Bruce Lee is coming back to kick somebody's ass. Sure, there are only, like, three plots in all of kung-fu filmdom and they must all be recycled sooner or later, but do they really need to remake Enter the Dragon? more inside

August 14, 2007

Squirrels use hot tail action to kick some rattlesnake, uh, tail. Features links to infrared videos of angry, defensive squirrels.

August 13, 2007

Karl, we hardly knew ya... Karl Rove to resign at the end of August. Resign for real.

August 09, 2007

Coo-coo ka-choo, Mrs. Britney... (Yes, this is far from FPP-worthy, but a story this trashy shouldn't be lost on an old thread.) K-Fed supposedly dating Britney's mom. Half of me feels revulsion at the sheer white-trashery of it all, the other half wants to applaud.

August 08, 2007

Rhinos not extinct? So, two things -- first, celery. Second, sidewalk. Good night.

August 03, 2007

Curious George, <i>start spreadin' the news!</i> Me and SMT have tentatively agreed to a MoFiNYC meetup when I'm in town Oct. 5th-8th (Canadian Thanksgiving weekend). Anybody else in?

August 02, 2007

What Metahumans are operating in your area?

August 01, 2007

It is the dawning of the age of Aquarius, among others. Stellarium is a 3D star map that lets you zoom in, zoom out, go back and forth in time, track the stars and planets, and change from that pesky Greco-Roman Zodiac to the Inuit constellations to which you're more used to.
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